The Scorpio Personality: Everything You Need to Know


Scorpios are known for having a certain je ne sais quoi, a dark and brooding mystery, which is why it might surprise you to learn that approachable sweetheart girl next door actresses Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, Goldie Hawn, Lisa Bonet, Anne Hathaway, and Brittany Murphy (RIP) are all Scorpios! On the actor side, there’s Leonardo DiCaprio, Ethan Hawke and Ryan Gosling, all known for the romantic intensity that they bring to their roles. Scorpios are of course also enigmatic pop stars: Bjork and Lorde; the always relevant Whoopi Goldberg; the idiosyncratic character actresses: Chloe Sevigny and Toni Collette; the strategic politicians: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton; the resonant folk rockers Neil Young and Joni Mitchell; the inscrutable pop star Katy Perry; the persistently charming rapper Drake; and filmmakers of epic proportions: Peter Jackson and Martin Scorcese.

What Are Scorpio’s Best Traits?

Loyalty and Authenticity

As mentioned, Scorpios are loyal AF and the most amazing friends. Because they value authenticity above everything, they always have a roster of fascinating people surrounding them and are the best at curating guest lists for parties. Because they value their friends and loved ones just for being who they are, they create spaces where everyone can relax and be themselves.

Ambition and Determination

Known for being ambitious, Scorpios always get what they want—even if it takes a long time. They always fight for what they believe in and are also the biggest cheerleaders of their inner circle and always fight for what they believe. Even if it takes a long time, Scorpios always get what they want.

Intensity and Passion

Scorpios are known for their intensity, passion, and depth of feeling. They approach everything they do with a level of seriousness and commitment that can be both intimidating and incredibly inspiring. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a creative project, or a political cause, Scorpios pour their whole heart and soul into it.

What Are Scorpio’s Worst Traits?

Resistance to Change

Scorpios really hate change. And though this works in their favor when it comes to building solid relationships and job stability, they can be paralyzed when something doesn’t go their way. Scorpios want to be the best kind of control freaks (who are always in the right and never stepping too hard on anyone else’s toes) but sometimes can come off as brooding or sore losers when they dont’ get what they want.

Stubbornness and Ego

Scorpios hate to admit defeat. They can be incredibly stubborn and unwilling to compromise, even when it’s clear that they are in the wrong. Their ego can also get in the way, as they have a hard time acknowledging their own mistakes or weaknesses.

Jealousy and Possessiveness

Scorpios can also be quite jealous and possessive in their relationships. They have a tendency to be suspicious and distrustful, and they can become fixated on their partner’s every move. This can lead to a lot of drama and conflict in their relationships.

What Are the Best Careers for Scorpio?

Leadership and Innovation

Despite their mysterious air—or perhaps because of it—Scorpios are natural leaders. They appreciate workplaces where they’re valued for their almost masochistic work ethic and given plenty of opportunities to shine. Even though they might seem like they like staying in their protective shell, do not put Scorpio in a corner!

Diverse and Meaningful Work

Whether it’s working in the arts, technology or even finance, Scorpios like to explore uncharted territory and tend to have jobs that aren’t easy to summarize over happy hour drinks. Scorpios are extremely driven innovators and they want their contributions to have a lasting impact.

Jobs That Require Depth and Intensity

Scorpios excel in careers that allow them to tap into their depth of feeling and intensity. This could include fields like psychology, investigative journalism, or the performing arts. Scorpios are often drawn to work that allows them to delve into the complexities of the human experience.

How Is Scorpio as a Friend?

Loyalty and Commitment

Scorpios are everyone’s BFF. They don’t do superficial relationships so if you’re friends with a Scorpio, it’s not a casual thing; they’re your emergency contact. Scorpios are definitely planners and are always thinking ahead about birthdays and milestone events, sending out invites for concerts and figuring out the tab at brunch.

Curiosity and Openness

Scorpios like to be friends with all kinds of people so that they can expand their own world view and have new experiences. They’re always eager to learn from their friends and to share their own unique perspectives.

Emotional Depth and Intensity

Scorpio friendships are characterized by an emotional depth and intensity that can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Scorpios pour their whole heart into their friendships, and they expect the same level of commitment and vulnerability from their friends.

How Is Scorpio as a Parent?

Openness and Freedom

Though Scorpios can be control freaks, they’re extremely open-minded as parents and don’t like to raise their kids with hard and fast rules. They want their children to be as genuine and open minded as they are!

Emotional Distance

Scorpios take parenting very seriously and even though they want their kids to thrive and have freedom, this comes at the expense of their kids really getting to know them well. Scorpio parents often don’t open up their whole world of life stories and interests to their kids until later in life.

Intensity and Commitment

Scorpio parents approach parenting with the same level of intensity and commitment that they bring to everything else in their lives. They are deeply invested in their children’s wellbeing and will go to great lengths to ensure their happiness and success.

How Is Scorpio as a Partner?

Devotion and Commitment

Relationships are Scorpio’s comfort zone. Though they can be ice queens on the streets, they’re true softies when they’re with their boo. Not the type to give just anyone attention, if you’re with a Scorpio, they have fully chosen you and are constantly going the extra mile to make you happy.

Emotional Intensity

Phone calls to check in, gifts just because and careful attention to your every need are all part of the deal. Relationships are also how Scorpios tap into their more domestic side and they love nothing more than cooking elaborate meals followed by getting cozy on the couch with their love.

Stubbornness and Loyalty

Scorpios are committed to a fault. Once you’re together, it takes a lot for them to give up on the relationship, even if it’s clear that things are never going to resolve. They’re willing to go to the ends of the earth—and years of couple’s therapy—to work things out.

What Are Scorpio’s Hidden Traits?

Artistic and Cultural Savvy

Known for their bite, people often forget that Scorpios have exquisite taste. Whether it’s music, fine dining or home decor, Scorpios are always on top of the latest trends and always have recommendations about where to go, what to listen to and where to buy a chic yet affordable couch.

Discretion and Mystery

Again, the reason not everyone knows about Scorpio’s major artistic and cultural knowledge is that no one asks! But you will never be disappointed with their expert suggestion for your next Netflix binge.

Emotional Complexity

Scorpios are often stereotyped as dark and brooding, but the truth is that they are incredibly emotionally complex. They have a deep well of feelings and experiences that they don’t always share with the world, which can make them seem mysterious and elusive.

Scorpio at a Glance in 2024

Finding Love and Angel Donors

It’s Your Year For: Finding love and finding angel donors

Challenges in Creativity and Fun

It’s a Challenging Year For: Just for fun romance and creativity


In conclusion, Scorpios are a fascinating and complex zodiac sign. With their intensity, passion, and depth of feeling, they can be both intimidating and incredibly inspiring. While they have their fair share of challenging traits, such as stubbornness and jealousy, Scorpios also possess many admirable qualities, like loyalty, ambition, and emotional intelligence. Whether you’re a Scorpio yourself or you’re simply curious about this enigmatic sign, there is much to be learned and appreciated about the Scorpio personality.